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WhatsApp Image 2022-11-25 at 10.19.07 PM.jpeg

Timber Extraction

Retrieving the best possible return from the woodland or forest is vital. Timber harvested from well managed forests or woodland can generate substantial income for the land owner.

Clear felling 

When a woodland or forest has reached its maturity the woodland will be felled or clear felled, removing all larger woodland trees for timber after the clear fell and the timber has been harvested and moved from site the woodland will be then planted with deciduous native trees and left to grow into native woodlands 

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Woodland Management 

A woodland management plan can be produced for the woodland owner to sustainably harvest timber without clear felling, this maybe done by selectively felling the vulnerable, dying or decayed trees within the woodland.  Woodlands can also be thinned to create air flow through the woodland and create space for the larger trees to grow into.

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